Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dark Comedy Close to Oxymoron

So I happened to watch this preview/trailer "A Serious Man". I say it is a serious mistake taken as comedy. The trailer is soaked with violence and annoying editing that is quite disturbing. This kind of film and many other like it (they are out there, beware) is strangely known as a "dark comedy". What is so funny about the dark I ask? The term "dark comedy" is an enigma to me, or shall I say oxymoron. It does not mix well, if at all. I would rather call such a thing a "bad idea". These are the types of things that pass for story or explanation, a "dark comedy" is how it is described. Bah! Use some idea that is both logical and thoughtful to make a point or tell a story! Don't say this is something worth a view!

AR! Such things disturb me!

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