Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Content Permission and Such!

Well well, it seems I have much to say today. This post will be about the usage of content and the finding of permission. By the way that image on the left is my own content! As you can see in my second post I talked about the new Alice in Wonderland (2010) movie preview. It turns out through my journey of finding the type of media I would like to show, I had to present the proper source information to be able to post on this here blog "log". While diving into the inter web and the many functions of its use of searching (as computers now quickly do, Ha!) I was able to find some useful information. To post a movie preview, from say the site YouTube, I would have to ask the company who distributed the preview (or as some say "trailer") permission for me to use it on my blog. I understand the rights they have for their content but my small thinking thought it would be no care of theirs if I used (simply borrowed) their video for my blog post log. It turns out that I need permission prom them (Disney).

At this point I have decided to put that idea on hold and look for an alternative way to showcase content, which is not of my own. I found a few pieces of info that helped in my searchinglys.
Below are a few web links to the web pages that helped me properly use the media content I was trying to use.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons (Flickr) ...............There you can use photos as long as you give proper credit to. How do you do that asking? The link below should help.
How to post image into blog.............This is what I used to properly give credit to an image.

How to post image in blog 2............Another web link with such information from a blogger.
Web Images.................Blogger sites own help page with some good information for some questions & links.

NOTE: There is so much information from the world wide web on this topic, I'm not even sure if I am 100% correct or if I am indeed giving proper credit. You can comment to this log if you have some solid information you would like to share on this topic of content credit and such.

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