Saturday, August 1, 2009

TV Is Like A Bad Movie

Television, blah! As most of you know already TV/TeleVision is at the current time (2009), hardly watchable at all. Let me explain by simply saying this: MTV, reality television, Bravo, ABC, "all new comedy", whatever is on at prime time...blah blah blog!

Today I watched the telly (TV) and it just so happened to be on the network ABC. While watching a sad excuse for an entertainment show a commercial once again appeared on screen. The commercial was for a "new" show on ABC: Defying Gravity. It's really an new show with an old idea. If you see the commercial for this show you will know all about it. To sum it up: It's Desperate Housewives in space or just another soap opera in a new setting. Another show about kiss kiss relationships! So original! Arrrrrg!! Now I know why I like books!

It seems as though the audience television (or just ABC) is geared towards is a group of people who only watch the screen if there is some sort of soap opera between characters or sex. It a shame television (or just ABC) has has taken this direction. Making us the viewer look no smarter than what they are showing us. Bahhh!!!!

(That is my creative image above)

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