Saturday, July 25, 2009

Blah Humblog blog!

Bah! So this is a blog, a smelly, ugly word for such a devise. Why did they come up with such foolishness as this, and to what point? I am A.A. Blumblog, hello and welcome blog blog I say. You may be questioning why a man like me is here, let me explain. My general guess is that you don't know me, such devices like this seem to be for the stranger. An idea I shall always ponder. A friend of mine, whom I shall not name, gave a word to me about such a place, or idea (whatever you call this thing, this "blog"). He said I should meet some people and write about my life, using this blog .. thing. So all the world can see, well what and idea! "Why would I want that?" I asked him! He said it could very well do some good. Ha! Although the idea is one that is un-unique, un-original, un-fantastic (I do know about the blogs, not a fan I must say), I should at least try so I can report back to my friend to news of this...well...experiment. I most undoubtedly will find it painfully odd, yet my writing or so they say "typing" skills could much improve. As my first writing comes to a close I find that this idea is a puzzle indeed. Bah!!

Until later occasions, -AA Blumblog

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