Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rain Rain Rainy

Ah! Too much rain today. My old work place called and they needed some help! That is the topic of my post.

Today I got a call from Jay Arr, (sometimes J.R. for short). He told me that the big valve pipe has burst and he needs me to give him some more scarf tape. See I use to work down in the pipes and it has been exactly one year since I left work. I took a case of scarf tape as a going away present (very usefull indeeed).Well, this morning our little town had an overflowing amount of rain and it turns out that the pipes could not hold it. The valve pipe burst? That is the one pipe below that can hold almost anything! Anyway I must go down to the pipes and help J.R. tape that thing up! ---Until next time.

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