Friday, June 25, 2010


I wake up late, close to afternoon. I see someone I know in my home with a bag of chips. He sneaks around and says hello as if nothing is wrong. He is a neighbor. He talks to me about pipes all day long. He loves the plumbing work. I am retired from plumbing but I still have some knowledge of that area of interest. He wants to go to Bakers City to purchase a new pipe that is very rare. The city is 60 miles away and I dislike driving. I end up being convinced to go. The journey begins as I begin to drive. My neighbor is in the car with me and we drive to Bakers City. He will also buy me a souvenir. Possibly a silver pipe for the trouble. Long story short, we returned and it did go well. My neighbor got his rare pipe and he bought me a silver pipe. Plus we found a wrench for very cheap. The day is not over untill it is over. Sometimes that can be bad.

I was surprised that the day got better. .

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