Friday, June 25, 2010


I wake up late, close to afternoon. I see someone I know in my home with a bag of chips. He sneaks around and says hello as if nothing is wrong. He is a neighbor. He talks to me about pipes all day long. He loves the plumbing work. I am retired from plumbing but I still have some knowledge of that area of interest. He wants to go to Bakers City to purchase a new pipe that is very rare. The city is 60 miles away and I dislike driving. I end up being convinced to go. The journey begins as I begin to drive. My neighbor is in the car with me and we drive to Bakers City. He will also buy me a souvenir. Possibly a silver pipe for the trouble. Long story short, we returned and it did go well. My neighbor got his rare pipe and he bought me a silver pipe. Plus we found a wrench for very cheap. The day is not over untill it is over. Sometimes that can be bad.

I was surprised that the day got better. .

Friday, June 18, 2010

Words Cup 2010 Views

The FIFA World Cup 2010 is on the television. I myself have a TV box. I have watched a number of these games. Here I present my views. First, I am glad I am not there in the seats. I would probably be unable to hear afterwords.

The game is a physical game. I have noticed that the players have faked being hurt on certain occasions. I find that shameful. They should not be acting if they are not hurt. If they are indeed hit hard they will show it. Playing wolf is never a good idea because when the real thing happens it goes unnoticed. I do not have a favorite team. I hope the best team wins. To the fans: Stay calm. They are just kicking a ball into a net and running for 96 minuets. No injuries would be a good thing.

Note: Photo is public domain as far as I know.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Different View Towars This

I must point out something before I continue. I have been very harsh towards the blogg world. I myself have a blogg. I do not particularly like blogging as it were, but if I am going to do so I will have to change my attitude a bit. I will try to respect this form of typing a bit more, but not too much. If I take this as so important I may forget what it actually is. Yes, I spell blogg with two "g". Call it a trademark for now. Good day & good night.

Monday, June 14, 2010


This is a typing/writing for the disturbing and confusing things.

An image is shown and a word is spoken. Why is it shown or said? Does it explain the meaning or is it just "Yuck". Does it sharpen the idea or the definition? I read an article on a blogg. It was to say the least, disctracting. The real question was not asked. It made it's point in a way that is not even readable in the setting of an articles, posts, place or time. One must ask: How do you communicate an idea without appearing to be something else. Sometimes it appears to be yuck. The point was never present because the content did not add up. I have learned in my typings that to make an article/post/story/idea it must be crafted with words very carfully. The end.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Upon Viewing Alice In Wonderland

The 2010 film of a story held in classic hights. I was able to view this movie and these are my thoughts. The crazy, colors of a zainy cycle of big and small. The sounds of music fused with the voice of speach. A confounding if not confusing moving picture that dreams of a story to be found. It is a movie that seems to be different. Mr. Burton has changed the original story into a painting of his own. Familiar with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory styles if not fashons. The weirdos will love this one if not maybe.

I myself am uncertain of the result. It is a mixed sharpness of real and dream. The story was lost somewhere and I can not find it. As strange as the preview indeed. I do not have an image for you because I cannot find a way to put one on this here blog. Hmmm. I will have to look into that.

Final thought on Alice in Wonderland (2010) it seems to be missing a thing. Possibly a master shot?

Seasons Change

Time has passed and I have forgotten. Yes. Work around the house has caused me to be more moving than thinking. If a reader is out there is am indeed back, for now. I am not a friend to bloggs or the sort. Yet I do should inform the reader of the changes about. I have not talked to my friend who suggested me to type these writings. He may be vacationing. Let me say this here: I will not always be typers as it were. Do not expect a type every day.

Keeping with the title. It is summer.