Friday, July 29, 2011

Party Over

Hello, yes I have been away for a long time. Hello again, I shall leave it at that. I was away, as was obvious.

Today I post about the topic of politics as it is dealing with the United States of America; the national level. First, I would like to say that I enjoy America and I like the USA. It is a fanstastic land. I am also able to `critic the country to which I am also glad as part of speech freedoms. I like Amecia but not the "political leaders" in D.C. Bah! As we all know!

In the current news the debt limit is being debated about with much jabbering on both teams. It is not about the Tparty the D the R the Pz. It is about U taking the blame and striving to do better. Not bitter. Arg!

Your typist,


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