Friday, August 19, 2011

Making Fun of Comedians

I am going to make fun of comedians that make fun of everyone else.

Tosh O.: Has a show on the so-called Comedy Central channel (Tosh 2.0). They got the .0 correct. Watching this show is like watching a group a teenagers point and laugh at the dumb kids in high school. Anyone can load an Internet video and say a one liner with a grin. This show is the definition of bad public television.

Jon Stewart: I can't hear you Jon your not yelling loud enough! Oh wait, that's right your too cool to figure out why the news is messed up because your just a comedian.

Seth Mcfarlane: This guy made a cartoon show called Family Guy. The show is about characters moving quickly or slowly while making fun of everything in pop culture. Blue comedy as they say which means an illustration of someone who hates the world and makes fun of everything so it's okay ... just because they can... no other reason...ha-ha.......................funny

Trey Parker & Matt Stone: These two kids never grew up. Which is why they made the show South Park. Which is a show just like Family Guy. Which is really original...................................... because it is trying to offend people. Oh yeah it offends everyone so it is OK..............

David Letterman: This dude is funny when he is not trying to make a joke. When he does try to make a joke people want him fired.

Jimmy Kimmel: Tries to be David Letterman while being a pervert.

Jay Leno: Thinks superimposing his face on a different body is comedy gold when it is really comedy rust because it is more stupid than funny.

Sarah Silverman: Thinks everything she says and does is funny because it was said and done by Sarah Slilverman.

My comments should be taken as comedy because I am making fun of everyone and it is going to be rated R in theaters Friday.

-Is it funny?


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

As The Numbers Minus

As most American cable-news watching citizens know, cable-news is always on. Yet the faces on these shows rarely say anything with substance. On August the tenth one of these talk-show-news hosts displayed his passion on air. The conversation was changed. It's not just the Dem's and the Repubs. It's when people use the system to steal great amounts of money from us and then blame the other person. Basically hijacking the capitalistic system, using the government to do so. In my view, Mr. Ratigan is not upset for the sake of a political point of view point. No, he is trying to form the conversation. The investigation. The discussion that is not being widely discussed on cable-news: The U.S.A. is being robbed from the inside. It is a horrible statement but I think it is really true. I do not think he "lost it". He's just talking about something that no one else wants to talk about.

Here is the full TV segment & the topic of my post.

He makes a very good point. I ask: why is it that the majority of journalists do not sound like him? Where is the heat?

I would suggest something to him (Mr. Ratigan). Although you know about the stock market and money, maybe you should learn a bit more about the political system. Then you can better interview your fellow guest.
